The North American Resume

The North American Resume


This short guide reflects my personal experience as a new immigrant to Canada since 2013. When I look back at my recollection of Canadian resumes, they tell a story, my story. It represents what I thought was essential to communicate about me and how I would communicate it. I did everything, from printing the resumes and burning designed CDs (remember those), to be delivered door to door, to sending blast emails to everyone I knew (pretty much no one), to spending hours filling government job posts. In the end, all of these months of effort gave me a result of 0 interviews in my professional field.

There is one fundamental way to find a job in North America, and it is NETWORKING. However, there is pre-work to be done before you introduce yourself to the world, and it is to analyze your story and build the storytelling around it. The tool to consolidate that vision is your resume, a living document that will become your go-to every day while navigating the daily job of Job search. This book will help you transition jobs by sharpening your toolset and starting this adventure on the right foot.

What is in this book?
A three-step approach to improving your best job hunting tool, your resume:
Chapter 1. Define your content strategy (the what).
Chapter 2. Define the style, tone, and length (the how).
Chapter 3. Define your value proposition (the why).

What is not in this book?
1. Resume templates.
2. Hand holding.
3. A shotgun approach to job hunting.
by Silvia Hayden
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